Find my Northwestern University 401(k) plan

Northwestern University offers NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY RETIREMENT PLAN through Fidelity. Their plan covers 25,134 employees.

Updated on Apr 03, 2024

Northwestern University 401(k) plan information

Northwestern University’s 401(k) provider
Plan name
Phone number
Fax number
Hours of operation
Monday - Friday: 8:30am - 12am EST, No weekend hours
PO Box 770002, Cincinatti, OH, 45277-0090
To access your Northwestern University 401(k) plan online, visit the Fidelity website and enter your username and password, or use the forgot login feature to reset your credentials. If you don’t have login credentials, try registering as a new user.
If you have a 401(k) plan through Northwestern University at Fidelity and no longer work there, you have a few options. You can leave it with Fidelity, roll it over into an individual retirement account (IRA), roll it over into a new 401(k), or withdraw the funds (may incur tax penalties).

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Northwestern University 401(k) plan details

Northwestern University offers NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY RETIREMENT PLAN through Fidelity. Their plan covers 25,134 employees.

Northwestern University
Northwestern University (NU) is an American private research university located in Evanston, Illinois. Founded in 1851, Northwestern is a leading institution of higher education and research in the United States. It offers undergraduate and graduate programs across 12 schools and colleges, as well as professional degrees through its Feinberg School of Medicine, Kellogg School of Management, Pritzker School of Law, and other schools. The university enrolls more than 21,000 students from all 50 states and around the world. NU’s historic 269-acre campus is on the shores of Lake Michigan, just north of downtown Chicago. The school also has two satellite campuses: one in Doha, Qatar; and one in San Francisco, California. Northwestern was founded by Methodist clergymen who sought to provide educational opportunities for their children beyond what was available at local rural schools at that time. During the first few decades after opening its doors to students in 1855 with just 10 faculty members offering courses in law and medicine (later expanding to include departments such as chemistry), Northwestern became known for excellence in academic achievement as well as athletics. Throughout its history it has maintained a reputation for producing graduates who excel both academically and professionally after graduating from Northwestern University.
Phone number