Find my Coca-Cola Corporation 401(k) plan

Coca-Cola Corporation offers THE COCA-COLA COMPANY 401K PLAN through Transamerica. Their plan covers 32,600 employees.

Updated on Apr 03, 2024

Coca-Cola Corporation 401(k) plan information

Coca-Cola Corporation’s 401(k) provider
Plan name
Phone number
Fax number
Hours of operation
Monday - Friday: 8am - 9pm EST, No weekend hours
4333 Edgewood Road NE, Cedar Rapids, IA
To access your Coca-Cola Corporation 401(k) plan online, visit the Transamerica website and enter your username and password, or use the forgot login feature to reset your credentials. If you don’t have login credentials, try registering as a new user.
If you have a 401(k) plan through Coca-Cola Corporation at Transamerica and no longer work there, you have a few options. You can leave it with Transamerica, roll it over into an individual retirement account (IRA), roll it over into a new 401(k), or withdraw the funds (may incur tax penalties).

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Coca-Cola Corporation 401(k) plan details

Coca-Cola Corporation offers THE COCA-COLA COMPANY 401K PLAN through Transamerica. Their plan covers 32,600 employees.

Coca-Cola Corporation
The Coca-Cola Corporation is a multinational beverage corporation that specializes in the production, marketing, and distribution of non-alcoholic syrups and beverages. It was founded in 1886 by John Pemberton in Atlanta, Georgia and initially sold as a patent medicine for several years. After Asa Griggs Candler purchased the company in 1892, he began to distribute the product nationally with great success due to aggressive marketing strategies. Over more than a century of operation, Coca-Cola Corporation has become one of the most valuable brands worldwide. The company now operates thousands of facilities across 200 countries and employs over 95 thousand people who produce billions of gallons and bottles of Coke each year. Beyond its flagship carbonated soft drink products, it also offers juice drinks, coffee products, bottled water, ready-to-drink iced tea drinks and sports drinks among other beverages available in stores around the world. In 2020 it reported revenues upwards of 40 billion US Dollars.
P.O. BOX 1734, ATLANTA, GA 303011734
Phone number