Find my Sierra Pacific Industries, Inc. 401(k) plan

Sierra Pacific Industries, Inc. offers SIERRA PACIFIC IND EMPLOYEES' RETIREMENT PLAN through Vanguard. Their plan covers 5,779 employees.

Updated on Apr 24, 2024

Sierra Pacific Industries, Inc. 401(k) plan information

Sierra Pacific Industries, Inc.’s 401(k) provider
Plan name
Phone number
Fax number
Hours of operation
Monday - Friday: 8:30am - 9pm EST, No weekend hours
To access your Sierra Pacific Industries, Inc. 401(k) plan online, visit the Vanguard website and enter your username and password, or use the forgot login feature to reset your credentials. If you don’t have login credentials, try registering as a new user.
If you have a 401(k) plan through Sierra Pacific Industries, Inc. at Vanguard and no longer work there, you have a few options. You can leave it with Vanguard, roll it over into an individual retirement account (IRA), roll it over into a new 401(k), or withdraw the funds (may incur tax penalties).

Get help finding your 401(k) plan from Sierra Pacific Industries, Inc.

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Sierra Pacific Industries, Inc. 401(k) plan details

Sierra Pacific Industries, Inc. offers SIERRA PACIFIC IND EMPLOYEES' RETIREMENT PLAN through Vanguard. Their plan covers 5,779 employees.

Sierra Pacific Industries, Inc.
Sierra Pacific Industries, Inc. is an American timber company that was founded in 1949 by Arthur R. Stilwell and George Emmerson to provide jobs to the community of Anderson, California. It specializes in growing, harvesting, manufacturing, treating and merchandising wood products for commercial and residential construction. Sierrra Pacific has since grown to become one of the largest privately-held forest product companies in the United States with 2.1 million acres of Timberland spanning eight states: Washington, Oregon, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, California and Utah. The company produces a variety of wood products including lumber products such as softwood and hardwood plywood; custom architectural millwork; engineered laminated beams; flooring; composite decking; panel
PO BOX 496028, REDDING, CA 960496028
Phone number