Find my Garmin International, Inc. 401(k) plan

Garmin International, Inc. offers GARMIN INTERNATIONAL, INC. RETIREMENT PLAN through T Rowe Price. Their plan covers 6,969 employees.

Updated on Apr 24, 2024

Garmin International, Inc. 401(k) plan information

Garmin International, Inc.’s 401(k) provider
Plan name
Phone number
Fax number
Hours of operation
Monday - Friday: 7am - 10pm EST, Automated voice response system available 24/7
P.O. Box 17215, Baltimore, MD, 21297
To access your Garmin International, Inc. 401(k) plan online, visit the T Rowe Price website and enter your username and password, or use the forgot login feature to reset your credentials. If you don’t have login credentials, try registering as a new user.
If you have a 401(k) plan through Garmin International, Inc. at T Rowe Price and no longer work there, you have a few options. You can leave it with T Rowe Price, roll it over into an individual retirement account (IRA), roll it over into a new 401(k), or withdraw the funds (may incur tax penalties).

Get help finding your 401(k) plan from Garmin International, Inc.

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Garmin International, Inc. 401(k) plan details

Garmin International, Inc. offers GARMIN INTERNATIONAL, INC. RETIREMENT PLAN through T Rowe Price. Their plan covers 6,969 employees.

Garmin International, Inc.
Garmin International, Inc. is an American technology company specializing in GPS technology for automotive, marine, outdoor and fitness markets. The company was founded by Gary Burrell and Min Kao in 1989 to develop navigation and communication equipment for the automotive industry. Initially they developed specialized high-end market products such as personal satellite navigators, aviation systems and radar detectors before releasing their first consumer device – a street navigation system – under the brand name GPS III Pilot Navigation System in 1991. In 1995 Garmin released its very successful first hand held units; the Global Positioning System (GPS) 45XL and 48XL with basic maps and optional accessories. As their product range expanded over time, so did their popularity within consumers leading them to become one of the world’s leaders in GPS navigation devices with a large base of loyal customers across many diverse industries including aviation, marine commercial vehicles/fleet management & recreation/outdoor activities worldwide.. Today Garmin continues to innovate new products specifically designed for different inter-related markets while also continuing to provide excellent customer service support behind their products.
1200 EAST 151ST STREET, OLATHE, KS 66062
Phone number