Find my Springs Global Us, Inc. 401(k) plan

Springs Global Us, Inc. offers THE SPRINGS OF ACHIEVEMENT PARTNERSHIP PLAN through Fidelity. Their plan covers 6,020 employees.

Updated on Apr 03, 2024

Springs Global Us, Inc. 401(k) plan information

Springs Global Us, Inc.’s 401(k) provider
Plan name
Phone number
Fax number
Hours of operation
Monday - Friday: 8:30am - 12am EST, No weekend hours
PO Box 770002, Cincinatti, OH, 45277-0090
To access your Springs Global Us, Inc. 401(k) plan online, visit the Fidelity website and enter your username and password, or use the forgot login feature to reset your credentials. If you don’t have login credentials, try registering as a new user.
If you have a 401(k) plan through Springs Global Us, Inc. at Fidelity and no longer work there, you have a few options. You can leave it with Fidelity, roll it over into an individual retirement account (IRA), roll it over into a new 401(k), or withdraw the funds (may incur tax penalties).

Get help finding your 401(k) plan from Springs Global Us, Inc.

Our experts can guide you through the process to verify your identity and claim your account.

Springs Global Us, Inc. 401(k) plan details

Springs Global Us, Inc. offers THE SPRINGS OF ACHIEVEMENT PARTNERSHIP PLAN through Fidelity. Their plan covers 6,020 employees.

Springs Global Us, Inc.
Springs Global Us, Inc. is one of the world’s largest and most diversified textile suppliers. Founded in 2005 as Springs Cotton Mill in South Carolina, it has since grown to an international powerhouse with over 30,000 employees across Canada, Mexico, Brazil, Argentina and seven other countries in Latin America and Asia. The company offers a full range of fabrics including sheets, towels and bedding products for retail chains such as Walmart, Target and Bed Bath & Beyond. From its start over 100 years ago to its current stature as one of the leading global textile manufacturers, Springs Global has operated with a commitment to providing superior quality products through efficient processes that meet evolving customer needs. It prides itself on creating innovative solutions that work better for people around the world while conserving energy resources through environmental sustainability initiatives like safely managed wastewater treatment plants and cooperative waste management programs.
205 N. WHITE STREET, FORT MILL, SC 297151654
Phone number