Find my Dixie Metal Products Inc 401(k) plan

Dixie Metal Products Inc offers EMPLOYEES 401(K) AND PROFIT SHARING PLAN AND TRUST AGREEMENT OF DIXIE METAL PRODUCTS, INC. through Alerus. Their plan covers 109 employees.

Updated on Sept 27, 2024

Dixie Metal Products Inc 401(k) plan information

Dixie Metal Products Inc’s 401(k) provider
Plan name
Phone number
Fax number
Each plan has a company-specific fax number found through the Alerus 401(k) login link
Hours of operation
Monday - Friday: 7am - 6pm CT
PO Box 64535, St. Paul, MN, 55164-0535
To log in and access your Dixie Metal Products Inc 401(k) plan online, visit the Alerus website website and enter your username and password, or use the forgot login feature to reset your credentials. If you don't have login credentials, try registering as a new user.
If you have a 401(k) plan through Dixie Metal Products Inc at Alerus and no longer work there, you have a few options. You can leave it with Alerus, roll it over into an individual retirement account (IRA), roll it over into a new 401(k), or withdraw the funds (may incur tax penalties).

How to roll over your Dixie Metal Products Inc 401(k)

Rolling over your Dixie Metal Products Inc 401(k) into an IRA is a great way to keep track of your retirement savings and make sure you’re in control, not your former employer. There are three steps to rolling over a Dixie Metal Products Inc 401(k):

  1. Confirm a few key details about your Alerus 401(k) plan
  2. Decide which IRA you want to move your Alerus 401(k) to
  3. Initiate your rollover with Alerus
  4. Get a check in the mail and deposit it into your new IRA account
  5. Make sure your funds are being invested properly

If you’re uncomfortable handling the rollover process on your own, Capitalize offers a seamless, online 401(k) rollover service to help you from start to finish.

Easily roll over your Dixie Metal Products Inc 401(k) plan

Our experts can help you easily find and move your 401(k)s into an IRA of your choice. Take control of your retirement.

How to withdraw your Dixie Metal Products Inc 401(k)

Withdrawing, or cashing out, your Dixie Metal Products Inc 401(k) may provide liquidity, though it can come with significant tax implications and penalties, potentially hampering your retirement savings growth. If you have explored other options, like a 401(k) rollover or loan, and decided to withdraw, the process only involves a few steps: Determine how much of your Dixie Metal Products Inc 401(k) you’d like to cash out.

  1. Call or contact your Dixie Metal Products Inc 401(k) plan administrator.
  2. Request that your account be liquidated in the amount of your choosing.
  3. Have the administrator send the requested cash-out amount to via paper check or ACH transfer.
  4. Wait a few days to receive the money.

Remember, cashing out should typically be reserved for emergency circumstances. Capitalize can help you roll over your Dixie Metal Products Inc 401(k) instead, saving you from tax implications and penalties.

Dixie Metal Products Inc 401(k) plan details

Dixie Metal Products Inc offers EMPLOYEES 401(K) AND PROFIT SHARING PLAN AND TRUST AGREEMENT OF DIXIE METAL PRODUCTS, INC. through Alerus. Their plan covers 109 employees.

Dixie Metal Products Inc
Dixie Metal Products Ltd. is an architectural metalworking company located in the city of Ocala, Florida since 1965. The company specializes in producing custom and standard finishes for railings, stairs, balconies, and many other products used to decorate facades. They are renowned for their craftsmanship and quality control standards as well as their ability to produce intricate design elements with different types of metals- anything from aluminum to bronze or brass. Over the years Dixie Metal Products has added stainless steel and tempered glass to its product portfolio while also expanding into new markets including custom residential works. As a result of their commitment to delivering premium quality workmanship at competitive prices without sacrificing on customer service Dixie Metal Products has become a leader in the field of metalworking manufacturing services for hospitals, parks, commercial complexes and luxury condominiums across North America.
442 SW 54TH CT, OCALA, FL 34474
Phone number

Find & consolidate your 401(k)s

We can find your old 401(k)s and move them to an IRA of your choice.

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